Carpet Cleaning Sydney

Our professional carpet cleaning service is the perfect solution for those looking to keep their carpets clean, fresh, and hygienic. Our team of experts use advanced truck-mounted equipment and a comprehensive approach to cleaning that includes: pre-vacuuming, hot water extraction cleaning, sanitizing, and an anti-bacterial treatment to leave your carpets looking and smelling like new.

Before we begin the cleaning process, our team will assess the condition of your carpets and determine the best approach to cleaning them.

  1. We begin by pre-vacuuming the carpet to remove any loose dirt, debris, or pet hair that may be trapped in the fibers. This step ensures that the deep cleaning process will be more effective.
  2. Next, we use hot water extraction cleaning, which is a highly effective method of cleaning carpets. This process uses hot water to dissolve dirt and debris trapped deep in the carpet fibers, and powerful suction to remove them. Our equipment is highly powered, which allows us to thoroughly clean and remove dirt and stains, even in high-traffic areas.
  3. As part of our carpet cleaning service, we also provide a sanitizing treatment that eliminates germs and bacteria from your carpet. This process is essential, especially for households with pets, children, or people with allergies, to keep your carpet free of harmful bacteria and germs.

Contact us today to experience the difference of expert steam cleaning services in Western Sydney on: 02 9863 1683.